Alexander Calder artwork for sale litho Komposition (for St. Gallen) 1967 3

“Komposition (for St. Gallen)”, 1967

Alexander Calder
(Lawnton 1898 - 1976 New York)
View artwork “Komposition (for St. Gallen)”, 1967
Sam Francis Artist Artwork for sale colour lithography Long Blue, 1964

Long Blue, 1964

Sam Francis
(San Mateo 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
View artwork Long Blue, 1964
Sam Francis colour lithography for sale artwork Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue 1961 2

“Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue”, 1961

Sam Francis
(San Mateo 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
View artwork “Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue”, 1961
Thaddeus van Eijsden schilderij te koop painting for sale composition 1973 3

“Composition”, 1973

Thaddeus van Eijsden
(Vlaardingen 1900 – 1980 Den Haag)
View artwork “Composition”, 1973
Jan van Heel artwork for sale kunstwerk te koop collage 69 moderne kunst

“Collage ’69”

Jan van Heel
(Rotterdam 1898 - 1990 The Hague)
View artwork “Collage ’69”
Alois Carigiet tableaux acquarel a vendre for sale A view of Venice with gondolas

“A view of Venice with gondolas”, 1953

Alois Carigiet
(1902  - Trun, Switzerland - 1985)
View artwork “A view of Venice with gondolas”, 1953
Virgilio Constantini painting for sale - Bathing in sunlight - tableaux a vendre

“Bathing in Sunlight”

Virgilio Constantini
(Cefalu 1882 - 1940 Italy)
View artwork “Bathing in Sunlight”
Kees van Dongen artwork for sale watercolour tableaux a vendre - Elegant lady in red heels

“Elegant lady in red heels”, c. 1930

Kees van Dongen
(Delfshaven 1877 - 1968 Monaco)
View artwork “Elegant lady in red heels”, c. 1930
Zheng Zhiming watercolour artwork for sale te koop - An inspective look 2

“An Inspective Look”

Zheng Zhiming
(born in Shanghai, 1963)
View artwork “An Inspective Look”
Dietz Edzard painting for sale tableaux a vendre Still Life with Summer Flowers in a white Vase, Books and an Apple

“Still Life with Summer Flowers in a white Vase, Books and an Apple”

Dietz Edzard
(Bremen 1893 - 1963 Paris)
View artwork “Still Life with Summer Flowers in a white Vase, Books and an Apple”
Maurice Utrillo painting for sale, tableaux a vendrè - Sacré Coeur de Montmartre et Square Saint-Pierre, 1936 gouache on paper 2

“Sacré Coeur de Montmartre et Square Saint-Pierre”, 1936

Maurice Utrillo
(Paris 1883 - 1955 Dax)
View artwork “Sacré Coeur de Montmartre et Square Saint-Pierre”, 1936
Maurice Utrillo painting for sale, tableau à vendre - Le Lapin Agile sous le neige, 1930 Gouache on paper 3

“Le Lapin Agile sous le neige”, 1930

Maurice Utrillo
(Paris 1883 - 1955 Dax)
View artwork “Le Lapin Agile sous le neige”, 1930
Jaap Egmond schilderij te koop - Abstract geometric composition, 1971 painting for sale 4

“Abstract geometric composition”, 1971

Jaap Egmond
(New York, 1913 - 1997 Amsterdam)
View artwork “Abstract geometric composition”, 1971
Robert Marc Cubist painting for sale Untitled


Robert Marc
(French, 1943-1993)
View artwork “Untitled”
Charles Hug painting for sale- Flowers in a vase and a piece of melon schilderij te koop tableaux a vendre kf

“Flowers in a vase and pieces of melon”

Charles Hug
(St. Gallen 1899 - 1971 Zurich)
View artwork “Flowers in a vase and pieces of melon”
Jacques Doucet painting for sale Pataxo-ha-ha-hae 1990 tableaux a vendre

‘Pantaxo-HÂ-HÂ-HÂ’, 1990

Jacques Doucet
(Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1924 - 1994 Paris)
View artwork ‘Pantaxo-HÂ-HÂ-HÂ’, 1990
Willy Boers schilderij te koop Droom en Daad, 1949 painting for sale 2

“Dream and Action”, 1949

Willy Boers
(1905 - Amsterdam - 1978)
View artwork “Dream and Action”, 1949
Bernard Aubertin painting for sale Untitled 1968 schilderij te koop

“Untitled”, 1968

Bernard Aubertin
(France 1934 – 2015 Germany)
View artwork “Untitled”, 1968

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